Our base prices are set in United States Dollars (US$), and are automatically converted to selected other currencies automatically.

All purchases are billed in United States Dollars (US$).

Currency conversion rates for displayed prices in other currencies are updated daily at 2AM New Zealand time, so displayed and actual billed prices might vary slightly, depending on rate changes during the day.

Displayed currencies are:

  • Australian Dollar (AU$)
  • Canadian Dollar (CA$)
  • European Union Euro (EU€)
  • New Zealand Dollar (NZ$)
  • United Kingdom Pound Sterling (UK£)
  • United States Dollar (US$)

Prices for other territories will be displayed in United States Dollars (US$). Further currencies may be added to this list depending on future demand.


Outfox Limited is based in New Zealand and operates under New Zealand laws and regulations, including the New Zealand tax department, Inland Revenue Te Tari Taake (IRD).

All prices are displayed excluding New Zealand GST (Goods and Services Tax).

Residents of New Zealand will be charged GST at 15% (standard rate) for any purchases.

Residents of other territories will be charged GST at a rate of 0% (zero rate) for any purchases. A line item for this will be inserted into your receipt, but will not affect the total amount charged. This is a requirement of IRD.

The country you specify when creating your account, and the IP address of the device you use when making a purchase, will be collected and stored as proof of your location and GST status. This is a requirement of IRD. This information may be given to IRD upon request.


Please contact us if you have any questions about our pricing, currency, or billing system by emailing us at