Certificates for organisations

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We're about to launch!

We’re about to launch our exciting new cyber resilience certifications and training services. We’re excited about them, and we hope you will be as well.

In fact, we’re so excited we’re telling you about them before we launch, which should be happening very soon.

Until then, you can register your interest, and we’ll contact you as soon as the service is available.


Stop taking cybercrime lying down!

Every 11 seconds an organisation is being cyber-attacked somewhere in the world.

We will give you and your team the skills to fight back. Our world-leading cyber resilience certification for everyday organisations will put you ahead of the pack.

Customers want to work with organisations who are vigilant with their information. It’s time to stand up, become a Cyber Resilient Organisation, and take responsibility for the data and credentials in your care.

Join the cyber resistance. It starts today!

Looking for an edge in a highly competitive market? You’ve just found it!

Having an online verifiable certificate which proves you have passed our standards-based cyber resilience audit is a unique point of difference that your customers will love.

Losing sensitive customer information in a cyber-attack can irreparably harm your organisation’s reputation.

Lead the way for your organisation and your customers. Fight back!

Looking for a market edge?

How it works

We’ll do an in-depth assessment of your organisation’s cyber resilience. We’ll tailor the assessment just for you, taking into account your organisation’s specific circumstances, business model, and industry.

We’ll also assess each of your team members’ individual cyber resilience skills via our cyber resilience certification for individuals.

If your organisation is up to par, we’ll certify you with our Cyber Resilient Organisation certification.

Customers will be able to verify the certificate online, so they’ll know it’s genuine.


90% of cyber-attacks are caused by people clicking on something they shouldn’t have.

We’ll help you get your team cyber resilient by individually assessing their cyber resilience skills, ensuring your talent pool only includes people who understand cyber risks and know how to keep your customers’ information secure.

We’ll then provide a year’s worth of online training for your team, to help them sharpen their cyber resilience skills to a razor’s edge.


Your team is included

Who's it for?

Our cyber resilient organisation certification is suitable for:

  • Small to medium organisations who want to assess, certify, and grow their cyber resilience.


We’re still dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s on this exciting new service, which will be available very soon.

But we’re taking expressions of interest from anyone who wants to be ahead of the pack. No obligations: we’ll contact you when we’re ready to launch to see if you’re still interested.

Actually looking for our certification for individuals?

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Your information will be treated as confidential. It will not be used for any purposes beyond contacting you to discuss certification and training options. Your information will never be provided or on-sold to anyone else.