Online Training

Start training now

Hone your cyber resilience skills

In an ever-changing cyber threat landscape, you need to be at the top of your game when it comes to cyber resilience.

Our training system lets you hone your cyber resilience skills to a razor’s edge.

Courses are delivered online in bite-sized, easy-to-absorb sessions. So you can do each course when and where you want to.

Our training begins with an assessment to precisely calibrate your current skill and knowledge levels.

We’ll then tailor a course curriculum just for you, delivering training in the areas where you most need it. As your skill levels grow, so does the level of the courses.

No apps needed. Courses are delivered online. All you need is a modern, mainstream browser.

How it works

We know you're busy

You’re busy. We understand that.

Big-bang, long training sessions eat into your time. So we split the training up into monthly, bite-sized courses.

Long training sessions can also be overwhelming. So each of our courses is dedicated to a single topic, making it easier to absorb the knowledge.

  • Mobile device security
  • Passwords & authentication
  • Phishing
  • Physical security
  • Public Wi-Fi
  • Security at home
  • Social engineering
  • Social media
  • Working remotely

Grow your skills

Training examples

Training starts with a one-off gap analysis questionnaire to determine your current skill and knowledge levels. This should only take about 20 minutes.

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Results are analysed to create an individualised training programme, prioritising weak areas, and selecting appropriate course skill levels.

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Each course starts with a precis of what you’ll learn.

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Courses are designed to be short, engaging, and fun, so it’s not a chore to do them.

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You are then reminded of the key learning points of the course. If you are unsure about any you can go back to the course material again before proceeding.

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A short quiz then tests what you have learned. If you get a question wrong the system will explain why your answer was wrong and what the correct answer was.

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Who's it for?

Our cyber resilience training is suitable for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn the skills to stand up to cybercriminals.
  • Non-technical individuals, managers, and board members who want to improve their skills and knowledge of cyber resilience practices.

You don’t want to be known as the person who unwittingly helped a cyber-attack succeed.

Today, more than ever before, people want to deal with someone who’s vigilant about the security of sensitive customer and organisational information.

Let us help you develop the cyber resilience skills you need to ensure you don’t fall into a cybercriminal’s trap.

Join the cyber resistance and start your journey to becoming cyber resilient!

Don't be that person


Get ahead of the pack and register now to qualify for our special launch discounted rate. This offer is only available for a limited time.

No obligations. If you change your mind don’t worry, we won’t pester you!

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Your information will be treated as confidential. It will not be used for any purposes beyond contacting you to discuss training options. Your information will never be provided or on-sold to anyone else.